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三专业结合了心理学, 法医科学 和 神经科学 to create a foundation that will help her enrich 和 empower the lives of incarcerated juveniles.
22岁的Veronica Bucci坐在她的办公桌前.

22岁的维罗妮卡·布奇主修心理学, 文理学院的神经科学和法医学. 她的目标是在少年司法系统中担任临床心理学家.

抱着毯子和一袋爆米花蜷缩在沙发上, 维罗妮卡·布奇22岁 loved binging crime shows like Criminal Minds 和 Mindhunters at her home in downstate New York. “我不仅从整体上对法医感兴趣, but I also like learning about the motivation behind crimes 和 why people think the way they do,她说。. She became particularly interested in juvenile crime while watching the documentary Girls Incarcerated, which focused in part on how the combination of mental health care 和 education provides much needed support to juvenile offenders. It sparked an interest in 法医科学 和 心理学 that she decided to pursue at 澳门线上赌场.

我的研究工作为我将来的财富做好了准备, 本科后的学术生涯, as well as a professional career because I now possess a deep knowledge 和 underst和ing of so many different subjects 和 research methods.


布奇是一个三联专业的学生 心理学, 神经科学法医科学文理学院. The three majors work together to provide Bucci with the foundational knowledge 和 skills she’ll need for her goal of pursuing a Ph.D. 在临床心理学中. 通过她的心理学课程, she is learning the basics of behavior as well as research-based methods 和 ideas to diagnose 和 treat patients. 神经科学帮助她应用临床知识来协助诊断和理解. Forensic science enables her to focus on clinical-forensic populations—which is comprised of individuals with mental or emotional disorders—和 the services available to them.

她的理想是在少年司法系统中成为一名临床心理学家. “My goal is to lead rehabilitation 和 mental health support programs for juvenile offenders,她说。. “法医科学项目的优势是我选择锡拉丘兹的主要原因之一. I knew right off the bat Syracuse would allow me to put my best foot forward toward my goal of becoming a clinical psychologist.”


Bucci has gained plenty of practical experience 在 Psychology 和 Health Lab where she helps to investigate a variety of topics, 包括酒精使用和行为方面的艾滋病毒治疗和预防.


布奇从澳门线上赌场的第一年就开始从事研究工作. 她是心理学和健康实验室的研究助理 心理学系 她在哪里和本科生一起工作, 研究生和教师研究人员调查各种主题, 包括酒精使用和行为方面的艾滋病毒治疗和预防. “我的研究工作为我将来的职业生涯做好了准备, 本科后的学术生涯, as well as a professional career because I now possess a deep knowledge 和 underst和ing of so many different subjects 和 research methods,她说。. Her lab experience continues to inform how she can best work with individuals with varied backgrounds, 这让她接触到干预和不同的治疗方法. 例如, she says she can apply what she’s learned 在 alcohol-based intervention study to work she may do with a juvenile offender with substance abuse problems.

Being able to see the influence 和 impact that I’ve helped make 在 lives of our research participants really emphasizes that this is the right career track for me.


Bucci has been a research assistant 在 Psychology 和 Health Lab 在 心理学系 since her first year at 澳门线上赌场.

Bucci也是一名学生 仁杰皇冠大学荣誉课程, 和斯蒂芬·迈斯托一起在实验室工作, 心理学名誉教授, 还有莎拉·伍尔夫·金, 心理学副教授. 伍尔夫-金说布奇一直是实验室的重要成员. “维罗妮卡好奇、认真、上进心强、可靠. She has been a wonderful member of our team 和 I am certain she will be successful in her pursuit of graduate school 和 far beyond.”

I knew right off the bat Syracuse would allow me to put my best foot forward toward my goal of becoming a clinical psychologist.


Bucci credits both professors with providing her the same amount of respect as the graduate students 在 lab. “I am trusted by my professors with a lot 和 it’s great to be able to get all this amazing experience 在 research lab at such a young age,她说。. 她说,看到研究的结果是令人满意的. “I feel like I’m only a small part of the research but being able to see the influence 和 impact that I’ve helped make in improving the lives of our research participants really emphasizes that this is the right career track for me.”


When she’s not 在 lab or in class, Bucci is active on campus as a committee member for OttoTHON, a 12-hour dance marathon that raises money for the children who receive care at Upstate Golisano Children’s Hospital in Syracuse. Joining the campus relations committee for OttoTHON was important to her since she wants to work with young people 在 future. “我热爱慈善事业,热爱回馈社会,”布奇说. “成为OttoTHON的一部分, 一开始是舞者,现在是委员会成员, 是和锡拉丘兹联系的好方法吗, 和 to give back to kids 和 allow them to have the opportunity to just be a kid 和 not a kid battling an illness.”

Bucci is also president of the Crown Honors Program Student Advisory Board which serves as a platform to connect students, 管理人员和教职员工一起. 她帮助策划和领导社会和社区参与活动, 和 last spring she moderated a community open discussion on confronting anti-Asian racism. She wanted to jo在 advisory board in particular because of the mentorship she’s received from the faculty 和 the honors courses she’s been able to take throughout her time at 澳门线上赌场.

成为OttoTHON的一部分, 一开始是舞者,现在是委员会成员, 是和锡拉丘兹联系的好方法吗, 和 to give back to kids 和 allow them to have the opportunity to just be a kid 和 not a kid battling an illness.


These experiences have given Bucci insight into how she wants to move forward with her career aspirations 和 philanthropic work she hopes to do as well with the youth population. 她的教授, advisors 和 peers have all helped mentor her in some way with not only advice on her career but other aspects of her life as well. Bucci says that she’s learned from her peers to take time away from her schedule to do some self-care, 她说,平衡是成功的关键.

“The guidance that I've been given has been both beneficial 和 reassuring to me that I am on the right path. 很多教授和我共事过的人塑造了我作为一个学生的形象, 作为一名研究人员和未来的心理学家.”





Psychology faculty are distinguished psychologists known for the highest achievement in research, 在本科和研究生阶段都有很强的教学承诺, 积极参与社区活动.

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In the Honors Program we are dedicated to supporting our students 在ir research endeavors, 出国留学, 以及他们的整体专业发展. 感谢我们慷慨的捐助者和支持者, we have the privilege of extending these 机会 to students 在 仁杰皇冠大学荣誉课程.

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